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Environment, Occupational Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHSS) Policy

The Biocon Group, an integrated Biopharmaceutical enterprise, is committed to high standards and continual improvement in the areas of Environment, Occupational Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS).

We shall strive to achieve this by,

  • Complying with all applicable laws, regulations, legal requirements and other requirements in all countries in which the company operates
  • Ensuring protection of environment and prevention of pollution at all levels of operations
  • Providing safe and healthy working environment for our employees, contract workmen, visitors and other stakeholders by eliminating hazards and reducing occupational health and safety risks to prevent work-related injury and ill-health
  • Empowering employees and contract workmen through training programs that are focused on operational safety, occupational health and environmental protection
  • Ensuring a sustainable value chain by building a network of responsible business partners committed to environmental stewardship across the product life cycle starting from sourcing of raw materials to manufacturing and distribution of our products
  • Adopting energy conservation, reduction of waste through recovery, recycle and reuse, mitigation of climate change risks and threats to biodiversity in all process operations thereby integrating sustainability into our business operations
  • Providing the framework and resources for setting, reviewing and achieving Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability objectives & targets. Continually evaluating and improving Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability performance through compliance, periodic audits and effective documentation
  • Adopting best practices in Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability through continual improvements in EHSS management system that pursues the latest developments in this area
  • Using effective communication, consultation and participation of employees and contract workmen to maintain highest standards of Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability

The Biocon Group management is committed towards implementation of the EHSS policy. This policy is applicable to all businesses, employees and contract workmen of all entities of the Biocon Group.

Executive Chairperson, Biocon

Download - Biocon EHSS Policy (English)
Download - Biocon EHSS Policy (Kannada)

EHS Accreditations

  • Implemented an integrated Environment, Health and Safety Management System

  • ISO 14001:2004 Certification

  • OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification
Arogya Raksha Yojana
OHSAS 18001
(Biocon Campus)
ISO 14001
(Biocon Campus)
OHSAS 18001
(Biocon Park)
ISO 14001
(Biocon Park)


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