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About Us

Biocon Limited is a globally recognized, innovation-led organization that is enabling access to high quality, advanced therapies for diseases that are chronic, where medical needs are largely unmet and treatment costs are high.

We are driven by the belief that the pharmaceuticals industry has a humanitarian responsibility to provide essential drugs to patients who are in need and to do so with the power of innovation. In line with this belief, Biocon has developed and commercialized a differentiated portfolio of novel biologics, biosimilars, and complex small molecule APIs in India and several key global markets, as well as, generic formulations in the U.S. and Europe. We are a leading global player for biosimilars and APIs for statins, immunosuppressants and other specialty molecules, with customers in over 120 countries.

Our subsidiary Biocon Biologics is engaged in developing high quality, affordable biosimilars aimed at expanding patient access to a cutting-edge class of therapies across the world. It is uniquely positioned as a fully integrated 'pure play' biosimilars organization globally. Biocon Biologics aspires to transform patient lives through innovative and inclusive healthcare solutions. The Company has a large portfolio of biosimilars under global clinical development with three of these commercialized in developed markets like EU, Australia, U.S. and Japan. Biocon Biologics has a product pipeline of 28 molecules, including 11 partnered with Mylan, several with Sandoz and many being developed independently. A leading global insulins player with over 15 years of experience in addressing the needs of diabetes patients, it has provided over 2 billion doses of recombinant human insulin (rh-insulin) worldwide, thus far. To enable universal access to high quality insulin, it is offering rh-insulin at less than 10 US cents / day for direct procurement by governments in low and middle-income countries.

Biocon is also committed to developing innovative molecules to address unmet patient needs and has a pipeline of promising novel assets in immunotherapy and an oral insulin molecule under development. We have successfully launched a couple of novel biologics in India: Nimotuzumab for the treatment of head and neck cancer and Itolizumab to tackle psoriasis.

Through our subsidiary, Syngene, we offer high-end, fully integrated scientific research services that drive innovation, deliver greater efficiency and ensure value creation for clients in the global life sciences sector.

Biocon has built large scale, world class manufacturing infrastructure to support its ambition of making global impact. We have one of India's largest bio-manufacturing facilities for insulins, monoclonal antibodies and devices. Our insulin manufacturing and R&D facility in Malaysia is the largest integrated insulins facility in Asia.

Biocon is the only Company from Asia to feature on the prestigious U.S.-based Science magazine's annual Top Global Pharma and Biotech Employers list. We were ranked No. 6 in 2019, and have featured consistently on this list since our debut in 2012.

Biocon's passion to impact global health has enabled it to touch millions of patient lives. Our goal is to develop affordable blockbuster drugs with the potential to benefit a billion patients.

Conscientious Corporate Citizen
At Biocon, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not about philanthropy, but about creating an ecosystem to empower the stakeholders. We believe that access to good education, healthcare services and civic infrastructure form the three pillars of an empowering ecosystem. We work to address the gender disparity gap in education, healthcare and employment. We have also launched several initiatives to preserve India’s rich heritage in art & culture.

Biocon Foundation
Driven by the principle of making an enduring impact, Biocon Foundation partners the society to promote social and economic inclusion. Biocon has been making significant investments over more than a decade in enhancing access to quality healthcare, education and improved civic infrastructure through the Foundation. Combined with field initiatives, the Foundation’s programs have created the momentum to lift up the marginalized sections of the society. In doing so, it has built a strong reputation for the quality of its programs, mostly implemented by partnering government agencies and like-minded organizations.

Biocon Academy
To create a globally competitive biotech ecosystem in India and make the country's youth employable, we have set up the Biocon Academy, an advanced centre of biosciences learning. Biocon Academy leverages the rich industry experience of Biocon and subject matter expertise of its education partners to deliver industry-oriented training programs to biotech students. The programs offered by the Academy aim offer advanced learning and industrial proficiency through job-skills development essential to build a promising career in the biotech industry.

Peptide & Orlistat
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