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Biocon is well regarded for itsĀ pioneering work in the area of global healthcare. As India’s foremost biopharmaceutical enterprise, we are committed to harness the best scientific minds and deliver on our promise of affordable innovation.

We are constantly engaged in shaping individuals into high endĀ talent and make them critical contributors in furthering the cause of science and improving the state of global healthcare.

Our Work environment is an ideal paradigm which offers the best in class ecosystem that enables nurturing of talent. We have employee friendly policies, good infrastructural facilities and feel responsible for the safety and well-being of our people.

Founded on the principles of Precision and Clarity of Vision to serve the world’s healthcare needs, achieving the pinnacle of research quality in the biotech industry and feeling an innate sense of social responsibility for the betterment of humanity, we have always strived towards excellence.

The difference lies in our DNA which also makes us as one of the Top 10 Biotech Employers in the world. 



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