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Press Note

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Promises to Enable Universal Access to rh-Insulin by Reducing Prices to Less than 10 US cents /Day for LMICs

Ms Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Philanthropist and Founder of Biocon, during her speech at the UNAIDS Health Innovation Exchange meeting on the side lines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) held on Sep 25, 2019 made an announcement to reduce the prices of recombinant human Insulin (rh-Insulin) to enable affordable access to this life saving therapy for patients in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). These countries, which form most of the world, contribute to 80% of the global disease burden.

The meeting on innovation and universal health access convened by UNAIDS Health Innovation Exchange was held in the presence of the President of Ethiopia, the First Lady of Namibia, Health Ministers from Botswana and Malawi, and representatives from the Private Sector and Development Agencies focussed on 'Accelerating Innovations and Investments for Access to Healthcare'.

For more information please access the Press Note released to the US media through the link below:

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Press Note Released to US Media at the UNAIDS Meeting on the side lines of UNGA


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