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Corporate Governance

Key Management Team

Ms. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

- Chairperson & Managing Director Founder   Entrepreneur, 1978
- Profile
Mr. John Shaw

- Vice Chairman
  with Biocon since 1999
- Profile
Dr. Arun Chandavarkar

- Chief Executive Officer & Joint Managing
  Director, Biocon Limited
  with Biocon since 1990
- Profile
Dr. Narendra Chirmule
- Sr. Vice President & Head, Research &
  with Biocon since 2015
- Profile
Mr. Siddharth Mittal

- President, Finance & CFO
  with Biocon since 2013
- Profile
Mr. Ravi Limaye

- President, Marketing
  with Biocon since 2014
- Profile
Mr. Amitava Saha
- Sr. Vice President & Head, Human
  with Biocon since 2013
- Profile


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